7th Campaign “Digital Fabrication with Additive Manufacturing

Architecture and construction shape our lives, our environment and our culture. Our buildings give us a home, they protect us from the elements, but construction has a significant impact on the environment and our surroundings.

The massive use of raw materials and CO2 emissions generated during the production and operation requires a rethink in planning and construction industry practices.

Additive manufacturing at the large scale enables solutions for material efficient buildings with improved performance, and bespoke design.

We plan to focus on the following fields of interest:


  • fabrication informed design
  • geometrically optimized structures
  • performative buildings


  • integration of building services
  • modularity
  • assembly systems


  • large scale 3d-printing
  • robotic assembly methods
  • recyclable materials
  • natural materials (clay, wood…)

In our workshops (2 dates), you will discuss society and industry needs and develop ideas in interdisciplinary teams together with experts from the Innovation Booster Additive Manufacturing, the specialists from the NCCR DFAB (ETH) and the NEST defab unit at EMPA. Additive manufacturing can make with your help an important contribution on the way to save resources and establish a new formal language.

The best ideas will be funded for further work with up to CHF 25k.

1st day: Challenge Framing

Understanding the problems

Thursday, 7th of September 2023
ETH Hönggerberg

Stefano-Franscini-Platz 1, 8093 Zürich

2nd day: Ideation

Developing ideas

Thursday, 16th of November 2023


Überlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf

Ideation Platform: