Automatic tablet de-blistering apparatus

With the help of AM and Rapid Prototyping, a prototype device was developed to automatically empty blister packs. This device is a module of a Smart Pill Dispenser.

The aim of this project is the further development of a Smart Medication Dispenser. In particular, the device should take into account the general prescriptions for handling medications. The tablets must be stored in their original blisters and may only be de-blistered when taken.

This deblistering module is a subsystem of the Smart Medication Dispenser that supports elderly people in taking tablets correctly. In accordance with the doctor’s prescription, the composition of the tablets is programmed according to time of day and day of the week and made available to the patient together with instructions on how to take them. A further advantage of the device is the cost saving at pharmacies, where highly qualified and correspondingly expensive staff are currently preparing the medication.

Various AM processes such as SLA, FDM and PJ were used to develop the submodules and assemblies. The design is a very compact construction with a high degree of integration of actuators and sensors. This is greatly simplified by flexible design with the help of AM.

Your contact person for this showcase:

Professor Dr. Ing. Wil­fried Elspass

Institute of Mechatronic Systems ZHAW

+41 058 9347828


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